The functional movement screening (fms): an inter-rater reliability study between raters of varied experience

Written by Kyle Barrow FMS


To examine the inter-rater reliability of the scoring of the FMS™ between trained novices and an expert rater using video records


twenty healthy college students participated. Each participant performed the series of seven functional movement screens. Four raters (three novices and one expert) independently scored the seven FMS™ tests by watching video recordings of the movements.


Level of experience of the rater scoring the FMS™ should be considered, as it appears that the expert rater was more critical than novice raters in the interpretation of the scoring criteria


Gulan, H., & Hoogenboom, B. (2014). The functional movement screening (fms)™: An inter-rater reliability study between raters of varied experience. IntJ Sports PhysTher,9(1), 14-20



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