Gray Cook on The Movement Fix Podcast

Written by Lee Burton FCS

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Recently, Gray Cook joined The Movement Fix podcast to discuss his early career mentors, the partnerships he utilized to expand his clinic and FMS, the forthcoming FCS screen, and creating efficient physical capacity baselines so that sufficient time can be dedicated to skill development. 

Here are a few highlights. You can listen to the complete podcast above.

  • Gray speaking about the restrictions of injury rehabilitation: “What clinicians have done is we see way more broken people than healthy people. So we simply think the absence of being broken is functional, and it’s not. Pain free isn’t functional, pain free is pain free.” (8:34)
  • On the practicality of screening: “I don’t need a movement screen that needs a force plate and three motion capture cameras. I need a movement screen that a PE teacher could do if they were so inclined. I need a movement screen where I could show up at your local triathlon club and process 20 people with a little help in one evening. That’s the kind of utility that we need otherwise our movement screening information won’t make it to the people who need it most.” (31:46)
  • On changing accepted physical prerequisites: “My pride of having the FMS as an official station in the NFL combine is because I know if the pro players now have a new standard, then colleges won’t just focus on bigger, faster, stronger. They won’t rob movement integrity to get that.” (32:21)
  • On the purpose of strength coaches: “Were not arbitrarily strengthening people because everybody needs a strength program. Were strengthening you because we just uncovered a deficit.”  (1:07:57)
  • The methodology vs. systems debate: “If you’re going to perpetuate a methodology, you should submit to the baseline that your peers agree on, so we can judge the effectiveness of your contribution.” (1:24:18)

Check out more great content from our FMS/SFMA friend Certified Dr. Ryan DeBell at

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  • author

    Drew Nelson, PT, DPT 4/4/2016 1:29:39 PM

    Great podcast!  Thanks for sharing!  Looking forward to the FCS screen!

  • author

    Brew Green 4/26/2016 12:43:25 PM

    Gray Cook is one of the most known representatives of fixing your body. It is great to see, that his influence is getting into the mainstream of fitness industry. You can see nowadays big celebs like Lazar Angelov preaching the same thing!

  • author

    Martin Barnard 5/5/2016 4:07:01 PM

    Really looking forward to the FCS! Hope it's an online course!

  • author

    Pamela 6/8/2016 1:36:48 PM

    That was a great podcast Gray Cook. He has a great influence on the way today´s personal trainer train.