Secrets of Core Training the Backside - Online Archive

$ 23.97


Gray Cook and Brett Jones review screening and assessment techniques for the core and discuss how dysfunctions can affect the entire body. Discover how to successfully incorporate deadlifting into fitness/strength training while introducing movement prep techniques to prime individuals to deadlift.

What's Included

Secrets of Core Training the Backside contains 82 minutes of video content. The eight units included in this course are: 

Unit 1: Introduction

Unit 2: Screening

Unit 3: Corrections

Unit 4: Corrections 

Unit 5: Level 1 Exercises 

Unit 6: Level 2 Exercises 

Unit 7: Level 3 Exercises 

Unit 8: Conclusion  

These archive videos are legacy products that don't containg all supportive or print materials.  Only provided as video content.